How is our well-being affected by the legacies of policy and investment choices made by prior leaders? What are we doing now to shape the vital conditions that we all depend on to reach our full potential? What legacies will our choices leave to the next generation?

These conditions are characterized as “vital conditions” because they are unequivocally important for all people to reach their full potential. They are anchored in contemporary science, as well as ancient worldwide wisdom about what it takes to survive and thrive in a common world.

Thousands of contributors helped to articulate and refine this set of vital conditions through years of collaborative action-learning, data analysis, and message framing, coordinated by ReThink Health, and with support from the Rippel Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Well Being Trust, and the WIN Network. Since 2017, these vital conditions have become more widely studied and embraced through venues as the Healthy People 2030 framework for the nation, the National Academies for Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, as well as the Surgeon General’s Report on Community Health and Economic Prosperity.