WIN is organized as a set of interconnected cooperatives which support these core functions. Because we believe in shared and distributed leadership, each cooperative is facilitated by a different organization. WE in the World provides the trellis-- the connected support structure--for the overall WIN Network and each of these cooperatives.
How is WIN structured to bring a diversity of efforts together in shared leadership?
The WIN Network is designed as a set of interconnected collaboratives led by its members. As part of its network management role, WE in the World supports the development of member-initiated projects as well as cross-cutting strategic priorities identified across the network. Below are our cross-cutting strategic priorities to advance intergenerational well-being and equity in the coming year:
Applying a racial justice and intergenerational approach across the WIN Network
Advancing the Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience
Advancing WIN measurement and learning
Advancing an equitable economy
Addressing mental health
Advancing an equitable and strategic COVID response
How is WIN supported?
WIN is facilitated by a core team of organizations who work together to create the infrastructure for the movement, making it possible for our members to do more together than they could do alone. These organizations include WE in the World, Community Initiatives, Institute for People, Place and Possibility, and ReThink Health. This team supports key functions in the areas of network management, communications, content development, development of stories and dialogues, policy and investment, measurement and learning, and capacity building. They also support strategic initiatives identified by the network as a whole.
Image Credit: redkrypton
The WIN Pergola
The WIN Core Support team functions as a pergola, with each organization assisting, contributing, managing, and reinforcing the collective work of the WIN network. This structure was constructed on a strong foundation of shared values and a mission to advance intergenerational well-being and equity. As a growing strategic network, we welcome more organizations to join as support beams to further strengthen our aligned strategic initiatives.