A quality job means one’s work is meaningful and adds to the goals of the organization. It means having a voice in one’s workplace and the chance to decide one’s work life and being able to learn and grow. Quality work gives people the chance to save.  It gives them the security and confidence that lets them plan for the future. It helps them to be active in the life of the company and see themself as a valued member of a community. In short, a quality job is:


A quality job pays wages that support basic living costs, a stable income, and a way to build up savings.

  • Working conditions that are safe. A workplace that does not have discrimination or harassment. A workplace where workers’ problems and ideas are heard.

  • Stable work hours; and benefits that help make a healthy, stable life. 

  • These benefits can include: health insurance, paid sick and vacation time, family/medical leave, a good retirement savings plan, and disability and life insurance.


These policies would increase the number of quality jobs available.